
Restoring Trust in Government – Customer Experience with Veterans Affairs: Part 1

calendar iconNovember 21, 2023

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The National Academy of Public Administration’s Agile Government Center Coordinator, G. Edward DeSeve, joined Cherry Bekaert’s Advisory Leader, Srikant Sastry, in a conversation with Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Deputy Chief Veterans Experience Officer Barbara Morton. With trust in government at an all-time low, Ed and Srikant explored what was driving VA’s improved Veteran satisfaction and how it could help restore trust. Human-centered design, data collection and better measurement of the customer experience are all features of the Department’s approach.

Morton shared her perspectives and even offered a taste of best practices from her Customer Experience Cookbook. It seems to be working, as trust in VA among Veterans increased from 55% in 2015 to almost 80% today.

The first in our mini-series covering the five pillars of trust, this episode covers:

  • Efforts at the Department of Veterans Affairs to improve Veterans’ experiences
  • Specific ways that VA measures improvement in customer experience, including ease, effectiveness and emotion
  • How the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s framework for assessing drivers of trust in government institutions relates to customer experience improvement efforts in government
  • Government-wide efforts to improve customer experience and restore trust in government

If you have any questions specific to your business needs, Cherry Bekaert’s Government & Public Sector team is available to discuss your situation with you.

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