Accounting, Tax & Advisory Services in Greenville, South Carolina

Greenville, SC Location

Greenville, SC
110 East Court St, Ste 500
Greenville, SC 29601
P 864.233.3981
F 864.233.1616

CPA Firm Serving Greenville, SC

Cherry Bekaert is a nationally recognized CPA and accounting firm that offers a range of tax, audit, advisory, and accounting services in Greenville, SC. Our team of experienced accountants and tax advisors provides innovative guidance on financial and operational matters to help our clients achieve their business goals, including tax preparation and financial audits.

Since its founding in 1947, Cherry Bekaert has served a diverse client base, including multinational corporations, private businesses, nonprofit organizations, governmental entities, emerging firms, start-ups, and successful individuals. The firm’s commitment to excellence and client satisfaction has been recognized by Forbes, which has named Cherry Bekaert as one of America’s Best Tax and Accounting Firms for multiple consecutive years.

The firm empowers its people and invests in efficient innovative processes to deliver growth to its clients. With a team of over 1,500 professionals, Cherry Bekaert is uniquely positioned to impart quality, cost-effective, and practical advice to clients in Greenville, SC, and beyond. As a member of Allinial Global, an award-winning association of legally independent accounting and consulting firms whose members collaborate to bring their clients best-in-class tax, accounting, and advisory solutions, Cherry Bekaert is situated to offer you broader services, deeper niche expertise, and more complete geographic coverage — all with the prompt, personal attention you expect from a local firm.

Cherry Bekaert combines the resources and extensive service opportunities of a national CPA firm with the personal relationship, value-based fee structure, and service continuity of a local CPA firm. The firm’s team is dedicated to building and nurturing satisfied client relationships, providing a fulfilling client experience that adds value to their clients’ businesses and exceeds their expectations.

If you are looking for a reliable CPA firm in Greenville, SC, contact Cherry Bekaert today to learn more about how we can help you achieve your organizational goals.

Luis R. Reyes, CPA, MBA
Partner, Regional Market Leader

As Greenville’s Regional Market Leader, Luis is responsible for overseeing relationships to ensure a coordinated and seamless service experience for clients served in the market. Luis is a Certified Public Accountant with extensive experience in public auditing, assurance and consulting. He serves the business needs to a wide variety of industries including professional services, industrial manufacturing, technology, and real estate & construction. As a Partner, Luis focuses on providing tax, auditing and advisory services to fast-growing companies.

Connect With Us  More About Luis

How Can We Guide You?

Our team of skilled accountants from the Greenville, SC office provides audit, business advisory, accounting and tax services to clients across a variety of industries to position them for long-term growth.

Featured Industries

Not-for-Profit Industry

Not-for-Profit Industry Solutions

Our Greenville, SC professionals provide consulting and accounting services to help not-for-profit organizations stay focused on their mission and navigate the ever-changing tax-exempt environment. We offer a wide range of specialized services, including audit and assurance, tax, and advisory services, to help nonprofit institutions navigate complex financial issues and implement strategic digital initiatives to drive innovation and performance.

Industrial Manufacturing Industry Solutions

Cherry Bekaert is a growth advisor and consultant to industrial manufacturing and distribution companies across the globe, providing business accounting, advisory and tax reduction services. With assistance from our manufacturing digital, tax and accounting professionals, you can discover innovative solutions that minimize your manufacturing tax liabilities, maintain regulatory compliance, reduce supply chain disruptions and develop growth manufacturing and distribution strategies.

Real Estate & Construction Industry Solutions

Our Greenville, South Carolina team has the specialized knowledge and proven track record of providing tax and accounting guidance to real estate and construction companies. Serving more than 2,400 real estate and construction clients has helped us build substantial knowledge of market dynamics and best practices to help position your business for success. We develop effective tax strategies, structure developments or projects, and provide cash flow and profitability analysis, creating a customized strategic plan for your specific growth needs.

Contact Our Professionals