New Markets Tax Credits

Our New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC) services team can help implement the NMTC program for private capital investment in eligible communities.

On this page:

What Are New Markets Tax Credits and How Do They Help Communities?

The New Markets Tax Credit Program (NMTC) is a federal initiative created to spur private capital investment in low-income communities. Created under the Community Renewal Tax Act of 2000, NMTCs are allocated by the Community Development Financial Institutions Fund (CDFI), a bureau within the U.S. Department of Treasury, under a competitive application process.

NMTC funding is available to certified Community Development Entities (CDEs) and Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs). Our experienced professionals can assist with the preparation and filing of the CDE or CDFI Certification applications to the CDFI Fund. We also provide strategic planning related to the CDEs Controlling Entity and Governing and Advisory Boards.

We work in all areas of the NMTC Program, including:

  • CDE Certification
  • NMTC Allocation Applications
  • CDFI Technical Assistance (TA) Grants
  • CDFI Financial Assistance (FA) Grants
  • NMTC Management Services
  • NMTC Placement

We have been involved with NMTCs from day one, and related types of financing programs for decades. If you are looking for the team that is best positioned to help you navigate this landscape from start to finish, you have found it in Cherry Bekaert.


Unlock the Basics of New Markets Tax Credit

Dive into the fundamentals of NMTC, exploring the roles of key players and typical transaction structures. Learn to identify the ideal projects for NMTC with insights from diverse industry experts. This webinar is essential preparation for the upcoming courses in our four-part series.


New Markets Tax Credits: How to Gain a Competitive Advantage and Unlock Access to Scarce Resources

Discover the intricacies of capital project funding and learn about navigating the competitive NMTC landscape. Gain valuable insights into strategic uses of working capital, site evaluations, and advantageous funding strategies. Enhance your understanding and position your business for success.

“New Markets Tax Credits is a flexible and patient financing tool that can be used to fill the gap on capital projects, assist with the purchase of equipment or offset operational expenditures for nonprofit and for profits in return for creation of positive community impacts for low-income communities. It is an extremely versatile tool that can be used to help organizations that typically lack access to traditional capital markets or provide financing for measurable changes within communities that so often lack access to quality jobs, commercial goods and community goods and services.”
Laurel Tinsley
Managing Director | Strategic Financing Services

Contact Our New Markets Tax Credits Team

Our team has successfully closed over $1.4 billion of NMTC transactions—demonstrating our broad range of project experience, including community facilities, manufacturing and distribution facilities, as well as mixed-use real estate investments.

Our Professionals

Connect With Us

Laurel Tinsley headshot

Laurel Tinsley

Strategic Financing Services Leader

Partner, Cherry Bekaert Advisory LLC

Contact Our New Markets Tax Credits Team