As a grant recipient, it’s important to ensure the money is being spent effectively and efficiently when it comes to the costs related to grant expenditures. However, justifying grant expenditures can be a complex and time-consuming process.
Hosts Kimberly Konczack, an Advisory Manager at Cherry Bekaert, and Shuo Zhang, Manager, are joined by Kat Kizior, Senior Associate, and special guest Anthony Walsh, Senior Manager. As part of Cherry Bekaert’s Government & Public Sector (GPS) podcast series, and the second episode in the grants management mini-series, this episode covers:
- Costs related to grants
- Direct
- Indirect
- The steps taken to ensure a grant recipient has determined direct costs
- How a recipient determines if their direct costs are allowable
- How to avoid the risk of audit findings
- Examples of the typical audit findings related to expenditure justification
- What auditors look for when it comes to allowability of costs
- What can happen if an auditor finds unallowable direct costs allocated to a grant
- Where to go for guidance on direct costs
Cherry Bekaert’s Grant Lifecycle Management team manages grants end-to-end, bridging the service gap to improve internal controls and staff success to help your organization maximize every opportunity. If you have any questions specific to your business needs, Cherry Bekaert’s Government & Public Sector team is available to discuss your situation with you.
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